Tying Socks

Anna's latest (for the last few months) pastime is taking off her socks and tying them around things. Mommy and Daddy find them tied around bannisters, Genevieve (the stuffed dog), and often Anna's own legs and feet. She usually call them "bandages", and the ones on her legs can be tight enough to leave a mark.

Last night, Anna showed Daddy her rabbit/blanket toy. It had socks tied around the head. Anna explained that this was a mask for diving and swimming underwater. She then proceeded to take them off of the bunny and tie them around a sippy cup, which required quite a bit of stretching.

Mommy's been buying a lot of replacement socks for Anna lately.


The Meanest Eel Ever

While swimming in the pool with friends from next door, Ben became an eel again. When Daddy asked him which eel he was - Flotsam or Jetsam (from the Little Mermaid), he said, "No Daddy, I'm the meanest eel - Nixon!"

We have no idea where that one came from, but the neighbors thought it was pretty hilarious.


Ben is Five Years Old

Happy birthday (a few days late). Mommy and Daddy are so proud of our big five-year-old boy.

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