A First and a Second Grader

Today is the first day of school for our new first and second graders. Mommy and Daddy are a little sad to see Ben and Anna grow up so fast, but we're so proud to see them going off to school with their backpacks and lunch boxes, ready for a great new year.


Anna's Second Tooth

Anna has had a loose tooth for the last week that just wouldn't come out. She really wanted it to come out, but could never get that one good tug. With today being the first day of school, she really wanted to get it out last night.

Daddy tied a piece of dental floss around the tooth, and Anna pulled on it while he read from "Little House in the Big Woods", but it still wouldn't come out. Since it was time to get some sleep, Anna tried to take the floss off of the tooth. It was stuck.

As a last resort, Anna closed her eyes and handed the end of the string to Daddy. Daddy tugged one time really hard and the tooth popped out.

"It didn't hurt at all!" declared Anna. Her only tears were because she was "so happy." Daddy was very, very proud of his little girl.


Daddy and Ben Day

Today was a great Daddy and Ben day.

After church, Ben and Daddy took Ben's bicycle over to the Episcopal Church parking lot so that Ben could practice learning to ride. Ben is getting much better, and he rode down the gentle slope chanting "con-cen-trate, con-cen-trate". Daddy let go right at the top and could barely keep up! Ben even stopped all by himself and stepped off of the bike. Ben and Daddy are both looking forward to trying again. It won't be long until Ben is riding all by himself.

Once Ben had ridden down the slope twice, Daddy and Ben packed up the bike and went to Home Depot. At Home Depot, Ben pushed the cart the whole time, even when it was loaded up with 2x4s and crown moulding. Ben bought a metal threaded rod for himself.

When Ben and Daddy got home, they both carried their purchases out to the treehouse platform and worked some more on putting together the left wall. Ben likes to hammer.

At the end of the day, after dinner and baths, as Daddy was snuggling Ben before going to sleep, Ben told Daddy that he had a really great day. His favorite part was the tree house.

There's a lot more tree house to go, and Daddy is really looking forward to more Ben and Daddy days.


Two Wheeler

Last week, Anna learned how to ride her bike without training wheels. Now she's outside riding around every chance she gets. Congratulations, Anna!

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